1) Everything you need to know about orderflow, Orderflow principles and Orderflow trading Strategies
2) Basic Building Blocks of Orderflow, Delta, Cumulative Delta
3) Different representation of Orderflow views and its importance
4) Features of Bell Orderflow Pro and Settings
5) The commitment of Traders and Contract Reversals Explained
6) Types of Data Vendors and their data formats
7) Difference between Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Tick by Tick Feed
8) How Orderflow is plotted using uptick/downtick or BidxAsk methods
9) Difference between Orderflow and Bookmap
10) Introduction to Market Depth 101
11) Difference between liquidity and volume
12) How high liquidity and low liquidity affects the marketsWhat to Interpret from High volume nodes and Low volume nodes
13) Institutional Execution strategies
14) Principles of Orderflow
15) Importance of Stacked Momentum Buyers
Resources (31 pages)
Quiz on Orderflow Terminologies
Mastering Orderflow Trading Strategies – Part 2 – 4 (97 pages)
Ninjatrader Templates
Mastering Orderflow Trading Strategies – Part 2 – 4 (97 pages)
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